State of the [digital ocean]®

🔗 WEEK 1 🔗 Speakers notes go here.
Hi Speakers notes go here.
I'm Gabrielle Speakers notes go here.
An Introduction to the JavaScript libraryP5.js Speakers notes go here.
What is P5.js?
Speakers notes go here.
To make a website you need HTML
Speakers notes go here.
To make a colorful website you need HTML and CSS
Speakers notes go here.
To make an interactive website you need HTML, CSS and JS
Speakers notes go here.
P5.js is a JavaScript library for creative coding
A JavaScript library is a library of pre-written JavaScript code that allows you to make JavaScript based stuff easier/faster

Wait what is JavaScript... Speakers notes go here.

Basically allows webpages to look cool and things to move

Dont worry!
JavaScript is the most used/growing Language
Today we are going to make things interactive with P5.js
Lets look at the P5.js Library
U r m m.. @is_this_gabrielle INTERNET ARCHITECT 🔗 LONDON 🔗 3D CREATIVE CODER®